START Erste Schritte English Verzeichnis : Geodätische Abkürzungen


Nach unserer Kenntnis ist dies die vollständigste Liste geodätischer Abkürzungen, die bisher zusammen­getragen wurde. Letzter Check aller Links: Feb 2022 .

Dieses Verzeichnis enthält zur Zeit 1462 Abkürzungen.

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I/NAVIntegrity Navigation Message 
IAEAInternational Atomic Energy Agency 
IAGInternationale Assoziation für Geodäsie
IAGBNInternational Absolute Gravimeter Base Network 
IARInteger Ambiguity Resolution (GNSS
IASInstitut Aero Spatial 
IASInternational Altimetry Service
IATSImage-Assisted Total Station 
IAUInternationale Astronomische Union
IBPLIsotropy Based Protection Level 
IBSIAG Bibliographic Service 
IBSIntegrated Bridge Systems 
ICAOInternational Civil Aviation Organisation 
ICDInterface Control Document 
ICETInternational Center for Earth Tides (2015 in IGETS integriert)
ICGInternational Committee on GNSS
ICGEMInternational Centre for Global Earth Models
ICOIntermediate Circular Orbit 
ICPIterative Closest Point (Scanregistrierungsalgorithmus) 
ICRIsotropic Confidence Ratio 
ICRCMInternational Center on Recent Crustal Movements 
ICRFInternational Celestial Reference Frame 
ICRSInternational Celestial Reference System 
ICSInternal Communication Subsystem 
ICSMIntergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping
IDEMSInternational Digital Elevation Models Service
IDFIonospheric Disturbance Flag 
IDSInternational DORIS Service
IDWInverse Distance Weighting 
IEKFIteriertes erweitertes Kalman Filter 
IEPInitial Experimental Phase 
IERSInternational Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (bis 2003: International Earth Rotation Service)
IFIntermediate Frequencies 
IfAGInstitut für Angewandte Geodäsie (heutiger Name: BKG
IFBInter Frequency Bias 
IGeSInternational Geoid Service (heutiger Name:
IGETSInternational Geodynamics and Earth Tides Service 
IGEXInternational GLONASS Experiment 
IGF80International Gravity Formula 1980 
IGFSInternational Gravity Field Service
IGGInteressengemeinschaft Geodäsie
IGGOSIntegriertes GGOS 
IGNInstitut Géographique National (Frankreich)
IGNSSInternational G Society
IGPIonospheric Grid Point 
IGRFInternational Gravity Reference Frame 
IGRFInternationales Geomagnetisches Referenzfeld 
IGRSInternational Gravity Reference System 
IGSInternational GNSS Service
IGSMInternational Geodetic Student Meeting
IGSNInternational Gravity Standardization Net 
IGSOInclined Geosynchronous Orbit 
IGSOInternational Geodetic Students Organisation
IGVBIngenieurverband Vermessung und Geoinformation Bayern
IHOInternationale Hydrographische Organisation
IHRFInternational Height Reference Frame 
IHRSInternational Height Reference System 
IKGISInstitut für Kommunale Geoinformationssysteme e.V.
ILRSInternational Laser Ranging Service
ILSInstrumentenlandesystem (Navigation) 
ILSInternational Latitude Service (1962 umbenannt in IPMS
IMInter Modulation 
IMAGIInterministerieller Ausschuss für Geoinformationswesen
IMOInternational Maritime Organization
IMPCIonosphere Monitoring and Prediction Center (
IMUInertial Measuring Unit (INS
inZoll (inch, 0.0254 m) 
INAVIntegrity Navigation Message (Galileo) 
InmarsatInternational Maritime Satellite Organization
INSInertiales Navigationssystem 
INSARInterferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar 
IOCInitial Operational Capability (GNSS
IODIssue of Data 
IODCIssue of Data Clock (GPS
IODEIssue of Data Ephemeris (GPS
IODFIssue of Data Fast Corrections 
IODIIssue of Data IGP Mask 
IODNIssue of Data Navigation 
IODPIssue of Data PRN mask 
IODSIssue of Data Service Message 
IONThe Institute of Navigation
IONEXIonosphere-map Exchange format 
IOTIn-Orbit Test 
IOVIn-Orbit Validation (GNSS
IPInternational Protection 
IPAInitial Phase Ambiguity 
IPFIntegrity Processing Facility 
IPMSInternational Polar Motion Service (1987 integriert in den IERS
IPPIonospheric Pierce Point (GNSS
IPTAInterferometric Point Target Analysis 
IQRInter Quartile Range 
IRIInternationale Referenz-Ionosphäre 
IRMIERS Referenzmeridian (ehemals Internationaler Referenzmeridian) 
IRNInformation Request Notice 
IRNSSIndian Regional Navigation Satellite System 
IRPIERS Referenzpol (ehemals Internationaler Referenzpol) 
IRPInstantaner Rotationspol 
IRPInvariant Reference Point 
ISAInertial Sensor Assembly (INS
ISAInternationale Standardatmosphäre 
ISBInter-System Bias 
ISCInter-Signal Correction Term 
ISGInternational Service für das Geoid (ehemals
ISGNInternational Space Geodetic and Gravimetric Network 
ISIInter Symbol Interference 
ISLInter Satellite Link 
ISMIntegrity Support Message 
ISMInternational Society for Mine Surveying
ISOInternational Organization for Standardization (Internationale Organisation für Normung)
ISQInternational System of Quantities 
ISROIndian Space Research Organization 
ISSInternational Space Station 
ITGRSInternational Terrestrial Gravity Reference System 
ITRInternational Terrestrial Reference 
ITRFIERS Terrestrial Reference Frame 
ITRSIERS Terrestrisches Referenzsystem 
ITUInternational Telecommunication Union
IUGGInternationale Union für Geodäsie und Geophysik
IVSInternational VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry
IWGInteroperability Working Group 

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