Autor(en) | Barthelmes R, Dietrich R, Lehmann R, |
Titel | Representation of the global gravity field by point masses on optimized positions based on recent spherical harmonics expansions |
Jahr | 1991 |
Typ | Angewandte Forschung |
Kategorie(n) | Erdmessung |
Seiten | 39 |
Referenz | Poster presented at the XX. General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics GM 3/4: Geoid Determination Techniques Vienna, 11.-24. August 1991 |
Status | Server antwortete am 08.03.2021: ok |
MIME-Typ | application/pdf |
MByte | 1.6 |
Serverdatum | 04.02.2021 11:14:29 |
Servertyp | Apache |
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