Link | Autor(en) | Titel | Jahr | Typ | Seiten MByte |
Koch KR | Test for Outliers Derived From the Test of a General Linear Hypothesis | 1983 | | 0 0.1 |
Caspary W, Chen YQ, König R | Kongruenzuntersuchungen in Deformationsnetzen durch Minimierung der Summe der Klaffungsbeträge | 1983 | | 0 0.1 |
Kavouras M | On the detection of outliers and the determination of reliability in geodetic networks | 1982 | | 138 5.5 |
Kubik K | An error theory for the Danish method | 1982 | | 0 0.1 |
Fuchs H | Contribution to the adjustment by minimizing the sum of absolute residuals | 1982 | | 0 0.1 |
Carosio A | Robuste Ähnlichkeitstransformation und Interpolation nach dem arithmetischen Mittel | 1982 | | 0 0.1 |
Benciolini B, Mussio L, Sansò F | An approach to gross error detection more conservative than Baarda snooping | 1982 | | 0 0.1 |
Fuchs H | Adjustment by minimizing the sum of absolute residuals.. Deutsche Geodätische Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Reihe B | 1982 | | 0 0.1 |
Heck B | Statistische Ausreißerkriterien zur Kontrolle geodätischer Beobachtungen | 1981 | | 0 0.1 |
Fischler MA, Bolles RC | Random sample consensus: A paradigm for model fitting with application to image analysis and automated cartography | 1981 | | 0 0.1 |